Job Fair

Please submit your CVs!

ACM SIGDA and IEEE CEDA will be holding their annual (3rd) EDA job fair at the 2024 International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD). The job fair is open to all attendees of ICCAD 2024.

Attendees are encouraged to submit a CV or resumé for circulation beforehand.

The EDA job fair is a place for students and professionals looking for internships or full-time jobs to meet with representatives from companies and academia. At the beginning of the event, one representative from each organization has the opportunity to introduce the organization and its job opening(s). Afterward, all attendees have a chance to mingle.

In addition, all job fair participants must register (for at least one day) for the ICCAD.

Participating Companies and Academic Institutions list coming soon!

Submit Your CV

As part of the job fair, attendees are encouraged to submit their CV to all of the participating companies before the job fair. This will help companies identify and possibly schedule an onsite interview with you when you attend.

Please clearly indicate on your CV or r‌ésum‌é your availability and type of job interest, along with contact information!

Upload your CV here to submit to all participating companies.

By uploading your CV, you are agreeing to be contacted by participating and sponsor companies about recruiting and job openings.

Special Thanks


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