Executive Committee

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    General Chair

    University at Buffalo

  • YOUNG-Fung-Yu_extended.jpg
    Past Chair

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • Robert-Wille.jpg
    Program Chair

    Technical University of Munich & Software Competence Center Hagenberg GmbH

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    Vice Program Chair

    University of Illinois

  • thumbnail_Ismail_Bustany_6cb6c1cf8e.jpg
    Tutorial & Special Session Chair
    Ismail S. K. Bustany


  • ho_tsungyi (1).png
    Workshop Chair

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • JiangHu2023small.jpg
    CEDA Representative

    Texas A&M University

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    Asian Representative

    The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

  • Prof Ilf Schlichtmann .jpg
    European Representative

    Technical University of Munich

  • cropped-Haoxing-Ren-270x270.png
    Industry Liaison


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