
  • LLM4HWDesign Contest

    Monday | October 28, 2024 | 10:00 - 12:00

    Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive capabilities in generating high-quality content, sparking interest in their application to hardware design. By assisting in the translation of human instructions into hardware designs (e.g., hardware code), LLMs have the potential to streamline the labor-intensive process of hardware development. Unfortunately, the development of LLMs for hardware design is severely hindered by the scarcity of high-quality, publicly accessible hardware code datasets. Specifically, the lack of adequate datasets prevents effective fine-tuning of LLMs, a critical method for equipping them with hardware domain knowledge and mitigating their limited exposure to hardware-specific data during pretraining. This shortage thus significantly impedes progress in LLM-assisted hardware code generation.

    The LLM4HWDesign contest aims to harness community efforts to develop an open-source, large-scale, and high-quality dataset for hardware code generation, igniting an ImageNet-like revolution in LLM-based hardware code generation. To achieve this goal, the LLM4HWDesign contest encourages participants to gather data samples and develop innovative labeling techniques that enhance the scale and quality of datasets for hardware code generation. 

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  • 2024 CAD Contest at ICCAD

    Wednesday | October 30, 2024 | 13:30 - 15:30

    The CAD Contest at ICCAD ( is a challenging, multi-month, research & development competition, focusing on advanced, real-world problems in the field of Electronic Design Automation (EDA). Contestants can participate in one or more problems provided by EDA/IC industry. The winners will be awarded at an ICCAD special session dedicated to this contest. Since 2012, the CAD Contest at ICCAD has been attracting more than a hundred teams per year, fostering productive industry-academia collaborations, and leading to hundreds of publications in top-tier conferences and journals. The contest keeps enhancing its impact and boosts EDA research.

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